Hello and welcome to the third Totem Cams photo contest.

Who may participate:
Everyone over 18, any nationality, professional or not.
Trad Climbing, all products and brands which appear in the picture are valid.
Admission dates:
The contest will start the 30th of June and will finish the 23th of October 2017 at 23:59. Every photography sent out of time will be rejected.
Technical characteristics for the contest:
Each participating photographer will present three pictures maximum.
Size of the picture: at least 1000px long and never heavier than 2mb.
Only JPG photos will be accepted.
Digital retouching is allowed on the condition that the picture must keep its essence.
The pictures with a watermark, as well as the ones with identification mark, will be no accepted.
No photo frame allowed.
No selective discoloration photo allowed.
There will not be allowed pictures offending against human dignity, damage the environment, neither the manifestly disgusting or offensive ones.
Where and how to send the pictures:
The pictures will be sent to photocontest@totemcams.com with the additional information listed bellow:
Phone number with the country code.
Attached photos.
First prize: seven of our products to choose.
Second prize: Two of our products to choose.

Jury´s decision:
The jury is made up of professionals from the world of photography and mountain, it will issue its decision, which will be final, the 30th of October 2017. The winning pictures will be published on the blog and social networks and the winners will be informed by e-mail.
The participant declares and guarantees that the submitted work was created by him/her and that he/she holds all rights to the work. All the pictures could be used in the Totem Cams blog, website or social networks in order to promote the contest.
Artists and authors will remain sole copyright owners of their works. Totem Cams binds itself to comply with the offer’s copyright and so to take care about the use of their works.
The fact of sending a picture will means that you agree completely the contest rules.